More About Me...

Hi, My names the discovered, though thats not my real name. Anyways...:) This is Your Notion © Which was obviously founded by me, the discovered. I like anime/manga, all types of music, video games, drawing, hanging out with friends and badminton.

Another Tit-Bit...

I also want to let you guys know that this is from, for I can't create blogs myself. I've also have been continuously chaning my layouts but now I'm sure I'll stick to this one.

Final Fantasy XII

Okay so we all know how the final fantasy series is awesome. I haven't played all of them unfortunately but I've played I & 2 on emulators which was fun. Boy, has time have change. So I would like to introduce to you viewers, Final Fantasy XII, the latest installment of Final Fantasy. Although everyone knows about Final Fantasy 13 I'm sure.

Anyways our adventure starts with this gay kid, named Vaan, no he really isn't gay but look at his outfit. Freak. :] Anyways Vaan, is a very adventurous guy. He's 17 years old though he looks like hes 4. Just kidding! Obviously Vaan is the protagonist of the game. His dream is to command a airship. He is consider the leader throughout the party. Also in the beginning of the game if you haven't played yet too bad. Vaan's brother, Reks dies by soldiers hands and he as in Vaan becomes an orphan.

Anyways I just wanted to introduce you guys to Vaan because hes alright! :D Its all good.

As you fight through, you'll see amazing cut scenes with intense graphics and such so I shall give it a 10/10.

Game play: The actually fighting is not turned based like previous Final Fantasy games but is free play. Okay so some people like turned based. Personally I like turned based moves on like a DS or PSP.

Music: This music is pretty good, actually some of it is annoying. But not all, I give 8.5/10

Con: This game can take over 5 days to complete, and I do mean in hours.

I've seen around about other final fantasy games like, final fantasy 7,10, and even 13 are the popularize final fantasy games in my opinion actually.

Thats all I gotta say today!


  1. akintak said...

    did u finish the game?

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