More About Me...

Hi, My names the discovered, though thats not my real name. Anyways...:) This is Your Notion © Which was obviously founded by me, the discovered. I like anime/manga, all types of music, video games, drawing, hanging out with friends and badminton.

Another Tit-Bit...

I also want to let you guys know that this is from, for I can't create blogs myself. I've also have been continuously chaning my layouts but now I'm sure I'll stick to this one.

Heres another short review.

Oh by the way I got Dead or Alive 4, awesome graphics 10/10. Automaticly

But This one is actually for Mortal Kombat: Armageddon

I Shall start with characters. I haven't beaten it yet though.
I'm pretty sure you can unlock 5. Most likely from Konquest.

But as usal the characters own like my favorite, Sub-Zero.

There are a total of 62 fighters in the PS2 version an I'm assuming the xbox version also. You also can create your own character which is awesome by the way. You can customize everything from appearance to skill. There aren't that many combo's and the battles might be quick but usually people like us won't even last if a flaming fireball was shot at us :).

And this brings us to konquest. Konquest is awesome, you play as Taven a half god and you go around smashing, ripping, clobbering people apart! I rate Konquest 9.5/10
because its just that awesome but can get annoying. You collect other fighters parts like sub zero's mask, kabal's mask, cyrax's weapon etc.

There is also the crypt. One thing i forgot to mention was that you collect gold as you defeat enemies too. You can purchase things at the krypt like secret movies, sketches , motor kombat carts, motor kombat stages, character customs, music, and stages.1000/10

There also is motor kombat which is were you race as fighters in chibi mode. I never really got around to play it though.

I the discoverer rate this game a 9/10.

This game is very addicting i fell in love with the song. Its so sad and i wanted to share it with everyone else.

If anyone actually reads my blog but i post for fun so it doesnt really matter to me

To play game:

Piano Piece:

Tenchu Z


Anyways Tenchu z unlike other tenchu is not played by Rikimaru,Ayame, or Rin. You actually can create your own character. I've been playing this for a while like 4 days.

This game has realistic effects from scalling a wall, assinations, justice for all. Haha just kidding its not justice for all you can actually kill citizens and you will get - points. And there are these damn dogs. Bark. Bark. They actually are annyoing and alert others.

You can also get Secret arts, Different Skills and Combos

Though the missions can be repeatitive they sorta of all have cutscenes.

The story plot could've of been better in my opinon

But I give this game a 9.5

Scatterd Winds.

-The Discoverer

Updating Soon

I'm going to update really soon, because it was my birthday yesterday, I'm so excited im getting new games :D for my xbox i'll post tommrow :D.

Who Created God?

Recently my brother had converted to athiesm around 1 month ago. He probaly became athiest because he thinks his life is really bad. Though i know myself it is meaning his life is bad. Though now he started to believe in God i hope he converts back. :)

Thanks to this video.


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